Building Bridges

Building Bridges

We are in transition in my family. Our son stayed in his fraternity house this summer, working, taking classes, coming home on occasion to have a good meal and take a nap in his childhood bed and return to school a few hours later. We moved our middle child in for her sophomore year of college, and she returned to her home away from home confident, joyful, and ready for new adventures with fewer attachments to home. My youngest begins her junior year in high school, and thankfully, still loves being with mom and dad. I don’t take that for granted. As mom and dad, we are doing our best to keep communication open with all three of them–who all communicate differently with us. We try to keep the three of them connected, not only to us, but also to one another, their extended family, and community. Building these bridges takes a lot of effort. With respect to that, I’ll share a few quotes, a playlist, and some poses to give you the sense of bridges in your physical body.

Love is the bridge between you and everything.


Love builds bridges where there are none.

R.H. Delaney
This is a great one hour playlist for a yoga class or your listening pleasure.

Heart openers, like bridge pose, require the opening of shoulders, hips, side body, back body, spine, and heart. Check out this gallery of heart openers from sphinx pose to bow to wheel. There is a backbend for every level of yogi, from beginner to advanced.